Unidrill Group Holiday Notice

Unidrill Group Holiday Notice: From January 1st to January 3rd, 2021, we will have a three days holiday.

We will come back to our office on January 4th, 2021 ( Monday).

If you have any questions or new needs for our drill tools, drill buckets, drill bits, carbide bullet teeth, roller bit ..., welcome to leave message on line. 

Our international sales department will contact you soonest.

Best Regards from Drillmaster: Happy New Year!



Contact Information

Address: Xingsha International Enterprise Centre, Luositang Road, Xingsha, Changsha 410000, P.R.China

 Whatsapp/Wechat: +86 13647327093, Tel: (86)731-8403-0163

Email: info@unidrillgroup.com

Website: www.unidrillgroup.com